Frequently Asked Questions
When is check-in/check-out?
For overnight campers:
Check-in is Sunday afternoon at 2pm, no early birds please! Campers are served dinner on Sunday evening. On Fridays, all campers (Equestrian and Traditional) participate in our weekly closing ceremony. Traditional closing ceremonies begins at 2pm, Horse Camp riding demonstrations begin at 1:30pm followed by their own closing ceremonies. Parents/Guardians need to be here to pick up campers no later than 3:00 pm on Fridays. Campers are not served dinner on Fridays. Campers who are staying for multiple sessions in a row do not stay on property over the weekend. They must be picked up and dropped off per normal procedures
For day campers:
Check-in is every morning, Monday through Friday, between 7:00 am to 8:00 am. All day campers are served breakfast. Traditional Day Camp Pick Up: between 3:30-5:00pm in Andrew’s Hall. Only those individuals who are on your "Authorized to Pick Up" form will be allowed to take your child. Photo IDs will be required. Day Campers follow the same schedule as overnight campers and attend Closing Ceremonies on Friday afternoons at 2:00pm, if you cannot attend the ceremonies, please pick up your camper NO LATER than 3:30pm.
What is the program for summer camp?
For overnight campers:
Campers choose their classes at check in on the Sunday. They choose from a range of activities such as Sports & Games, Archery, Fishing, Arts & Crafts, Survival, Dance and Drama, Home Ec, Boating and Music. There are four class periods in a day, as well as a free time hour, where our snack shack is open, and a free swim hour. All campers who wish to participate in a boating class or in free swim must have a swim test completed while at camp. Boating and archery classes are reserved for ages 10+.
For day campers:
Campers choose their classes first thing Monday morning with Zoë (our Assistant Director and Program Manager). Day campers get to choose from the exact same range of classes as the overnight campers do, however, classes are only available to day campers aged 8+. All campers aged 6-7 have their own program with activities such as arts & crafts, sports & games, nature hikes and free swim to participate in. During their check out period, campers are encouraged to visit our arts & crafts and sports & games classes while they await pick up. If your camper is NOT signed up for extended day camp, they only participate in periods one and two. Extended day campers aged 8+ participate in all four periods and eat dinner with camp before their 7pm pickup. Extended day campers do not participate in evening activity.
Is there any type of financial assistance available?
Camp Marshall is proud to sponsor a Campership Program to help individuals and families who need financial assistance to help cover the cost of the camp experience. Click here for our Campership Application form 2024 Campership Application.
What are the cabins like?
Our cabins are rustic in nature. The cabins range from 6-12 beds each, with 2 staff members assigned to each cabin. There is no electricity, air conditioning or bathroom facilities in the cabins themselves. Both cabin sides have bathhouses with several bathroom stalls and hot showers. To view photos of cabin areas visit our Camp Overview Page.
What should my camper bring to camp?
All suggested items are listed in our Parent Camper Handbook . We ask that campers do not bring any weapons, food (except for those who have specific dietary needs), personal sports equipment, aerosol cans, electronics (especially mobile phones), or any kind of clothing or reading material that depicts inappropriate subject matter. All items that a camper brings to camp should be marked with the camper's name.
What happens to Lost & Found?
Throughout the week all Lost & Found items are put onto our Lost & Found table, located in Andrews Hall. Near the end of each week any items that are not claimed are held up in front of the entire camp, and any items still not claimed are laid out for parents to look at during checkout on Friday. All Lost & Found from all weeks is kept at camp until 2 weeks after the last camp session. Any items unclaimed at that point are either donated or disposed of, depending on the condition of the item.
Can my camper bring a mobile phone to camp?
Mobile phones are not permitted. Camp Marshall believes that summer camp is the ideal place for campers to unplug from much of the technology that is so prevalent in their world today. While games and social media can be a great form of entertainment and education, we aim to provide an experience that is as connected with nature as possible. By doing so, campers are more easily able to immerse themselves in the simpler style of living provided by camp. This includes learning how to live with others in a group setting and exploring their natural environments without the intrusion of digital updates, notifications, and alerts. It is against our policy for any camper to be in possession of a mobile phone. If a camper is found to have a mobile phone while at camp it is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program (this policy is inclusive of our CITs as well; they are not allowed their phones unless given explicit permission, e.g.: is a horse camp CIT in need of communication with the riding ring.)
Can my camper be placed in a cabin with their friend or sibling?
We do our best to fulfill these requests as much as possible. The person completing the registration form, must put the child's name your camper wishes to bunk with, your camper's friend/sibling must also put your child's name on their registration form. If you or your camper's friend has already mailed in or submitted our registration, please email BOTH parties must email for requests to bunk with friends. Bunk requests can only be completed if the campers are in the same program. Ex: Traditional with Traditional or Horse Camp with Horse Camp, programs are not allowed to bunk with one another due to the scheduling and staffing differences between the two programs.
What should my camper pack their things in?
We see many different ways to bring things to camp, but whatever campers use to pack should fit under their bunk. Some campers prefer to use tall plastic storage drawers that can be placed at the head of the bunk. The height underneath the camp beds is 15", so tubs and totes that are shorter than this fit well.
My camper needs to leave camp early or needs to leave and come back to camp. What is the notification process?
If any camper needs to leave early due to an athletic event, medical appointment, or other activities we ask that the Camp Office or Operations Director is informed early on so that we can ensure that the camper is ready to leave at the correct time. This can be done during check-in. Please make sure that your camper is also aware of this arrangement. When you arrive to pick up your camper, please come to our main office to the right of Andrews Hall and call 508-885-4891 to let us know that you are here. Upon returning your camper, please escort them to our main office where we will have a staff member return them to their scheduled program. All returning campers MUST be back prior to 7pm.
Does Camp Marshall get inspected?
Yes. The local Department of Public Health, Town Building Inspector and the Town Fire Chief inspects and licenses Camp Marshall each year prior to the opening of Camp. Camp Marshall is also accredited by the American Camp Association and undergoes an in person site visit every five years as well as a virtual accreditation visit every year.
These informational forms are available for reference and provided by the local DPH.
- Hand washing - Lyme Disease - Meningococcal Disease and Camp Attendees
- Giardiasis Meningitis - Rabies - Ticks
Summer Bullying Prevention - Tips for your Family
Who works at Camp Marshall? What kind of training do they get?
Camp Marshall staff are recruited from across the country and around the world. Many of our staff are from Massachusetts and are former Marshall campers and CITs. We often also host International staff members, who in the past have come from Australia, Scotland, the UK, Wales, Ireland, Hungary, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, Turkey and South Africa.
All Camp Marshall staff are required to be CORI/SORI background checked, along with being checked in the National Sex Offender Registry. All staff are CPR, First Aid, and AED Certified. Additionally, staff go through a staff training process wherein they go over a wide variety of topics including behavior management, developmental age levels, program planning, and emergency procedures, just to name a few.
Do all campers get to swim?
Yes, all campers have to opportunity to swim multiple times each week and have a water activity each day, pending weather condition. All campers are required to take the swim test on the first day of camp even if they choose not to swim. Water activities include things like swimming, boating, river walks and water games on the green.
Can I send my child an email?
We offer a camper email service. This link will be available on the homepage when camp is in session. The emails are incoming only, meaning campers are not able to email a response. Messages are delivered each day at meal times. All campers have time each day to write letters home if they wish.
Is there a fee to send email to my camper?
Yes, there is a small charge for this service to cover the time and supplies for this service.
Questions and Concerns
If you have additional questions or concerns that were not addressed above, please send an email to or call us at 508-885-4891.
All complaints will be addressed on an individual basis. We ask that you contact us as soon as you become aware of the situation. Refunds are not guaranteed. Please refer to refund policy in the Camper-Parent Handbook.
Per Massachusetts law, parents may:
430.190: General Program Requirements: (D) The operator shall inform parents at the time application forms are provided that they may request copies of background check, health care and discipline policies as well as procedures for filing grievances. All Camp Marshall background checks are kept on file for a minimum of three years.