Merit Badge Program
Camp Marshall is excited about our partnership with the
Heart of New England Council to be able to offer the Merit Badge Program to all of our local Troops.
Our horse programs are able to be run year-round, with the help of our indoor riding arena and heated classroom areas.
Your troops' visit should be scheduled at least four weeks in advance. Every participant will be required to complete our Equine Event Release Packet prior to attending their scheduled program. Any/all parents/siblings or other visitors that will attend the program with the scouts, must have a signed General Release Form submitted to remain with the group. Forms can be brought to camp on the day of program and handed in to the program leaders.
There is a 5 scout minimum for this program. Programs are scheduled on Saturdays from 9:30 am-12:30 pm. Troops may combine with one another as they see fit.
The cost of this program is $140.00 per scout. The duration of this program is 12 hours total, split into 4 sessions approx. 3 hours long each. Programs run approx. from 9:30am to 12:30pm on Saturdays. Contact our Equestrian Director directly for scheduling questions and options. Troops may combine with others as they see fit to meet minimum requirements if they wish. Troops must register separately!
Throughout your program at CMEC your scouts will learn the ins and outs of horses in this introduction to Horsemanship 101. From learning the fundamentals of safety and barn management to tack/feed. At the completion of this program, scouts will learn how to tack up their horses as they climb in the saddle to complete their riding evaluation. Please read the details below that is outlined per session with the requirements needed to complete your Merit Badge Program today!

Session One: Safety
At the barn and around horses.
Learn how to read a horse's attitude.
How to safely handle a horse.
Fire Safety and Prevention in and around a barn
Learn to safely tie a safety knot
How to lead a horse safely
Session Two: All about Horses
Learn the parts of the horse
Visits our horses at the barn and learn the breeds of horses
Pick 4 and explain what that breed is known for
Learn about horse feeds, the amount of feed needed for different breeds, ages and activity level
What is colic? Discuss 4 other health issues that can affect horses.
What is confirmation and why is it important
What is the difference between lameness and unsoundness
Explain the importance of hoof care and why a horse may need to wear shoes.
Session Three: Grooming
Why grooming is so important
Different types of grooming equipment and what they are used for
Learn to groom, pick the horses hooves
How to care for a horse after a ride
Learn the parts of the saddle and Bridle. Be able to name 10 parts.
How to care for this equipment and the safety of it
Learn how to properly saddle and bridle a horse
Learn how to safely mount and dismount
Session Four: Riding Lesson (followed by evaluation of the following requirements)
Walk in straight line for 60 feet
Walk horse in a half circle no more than 16 feet in diameter
Trot horse in straight line for 60 feet
Trot horse in a half circle no more than 30 feet in radius
Halt Straight
Back up straight four paces
Halt and safely dismount
Have questions or want to find a date that works for your troop to get started?
Please email our Equestrian Director today!
**Please note that we only offer private Merit Badge programs during our off season (Spring/Fall/Winter) and that we do NOT offer any summer program for scouts of any kind!**
If you are interested in Summer programming for your troops, please reach out to our friends down the road at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation. We do partner with TVSR in the summer for the Merit Badge Program, all communication/scheduling/registration/payments must be made directly with their office and staff.