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Scout Horsemanship 101
Camp Marshall has been working with local Girl/Boy Scout Troops since 2009.
We offer programs for all Troop levels and each program can be tailored to suit the needs of each troop.
Our horse programs are able to be run year-round, with the help of our indoor riding arena and heated classroom areas. Your troops' visit should be scheduled at least four weeks in advance. Every participant will be required to complete our Equine Event Release Packet prior to attending their scheduled program. Any/all parents/siblings or other visitors that will attend the program with the scouts, must have a signed General Release Form submitted to remain with the group. Forms can be brought to camp on the day of program and handed in to the program leaders.
There is a 6 scout minimum for our programs. Programs are scheduled on Weekends only 9:30 am-12:30 pm. Troops may combine with one another as they see fit. These programs are $40.00 per scout. Minimum numbers can be altered pending total troop participants or for other needs as seen fit. If you will have less than 6 scouts attending the program, please contact us prior to submitting your troop's registration forms. Troops may combine scouts as they see fit to make program minimums if needed. Troops must register separately! This program cannot be combined with scouts wishing to complete the Merit Badge Program.
Throughout your program at CMEC your scouts will learn the ins and outs of horses in this brief introduction to Horsemanship 101. From learning the fundamentals of safety and barn management to tack/feed. At the end of the program the scouts will learn the basics of beginner riding skills as they take a few laps around the ring on one of our year round program horses!

Please note: At the time of registration the balance for your group is due to secure your troop's spot. Please contact our office with any questions regarding payments.
Each participant must bring the required release form(s) signed by parent or guardian with them on the day of their program. **Without these forms your scout will NOT be eligible to complete the program!**
Please click the button above to view and print the forms.

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